Mama's words of wisdom for my girls
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Friday, June 01, 2018
By Alexandra Marie
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With the addition of our second baby girl quickly approaching, I am having so many feelings! I knew going from one baby to two would be an adjustment for me, but I didn't anticipate how emotional I would be. It reminds me how incredibly important my job is as a mama and all the responsibility I have to teach them about what matters most. Lately, I've been focused on five thoughts that I want them both to learn from me, and below is what has been on my heart.  Obviously, one of my girls is only almost three and the other isn't due to arrive for a few more weeks, but I know they will some day read this. My hope is that they read it and reread it and always, always remember these five important thoughts. 


You are SO loved. Jesus loves you so much he died for you. He loves you no matter what you’ve done and no matter what you’ll do. He knew it all and still gave his life for YOU. That’s perfect love! And, mama and daddy love you to the moon and back again. This is something that’s really hard to put into words. You may never understand unless you have babies of your own someday. And if you do, when you first lay eyes on those babies, it will all make sense. We will always be in your corner baby girls! And loved people love others. So, we pray that you love others well. No matter how different they may be from you, your job is just to love them.


You are enough, so just be you. You have value and worth just because you are you! I don’t care what any boy (notice I say “boy” and not “man”), “friend”, girl at school, future boss, person hiding behind a keyboard, or anyone else may say. You were created unique and for a reason.  You are strong, funny, SO smart, and you can do hard things. You are awesome just the way you are! Don’t you dare let anyone try to convince you otherwise. And if you ever need a reminder, come talk to mama and daddy. Just be you and never ever fake it.


True beauty is found in your heart.  Of course, mama and daddy think you are so beautiful, but we see that beauty on the inside and outside. It’s ok to want to look great and feel good about yourself. Go ahead and wear all the makeup, curl your hair, and put on some jewelry. Mama loves to do it all too!  We also want you to care about the health of your body because it's the only one you were given. But don't dwell on it all because true lasting beauty is only found in your heart. There may come a day when you start to question your body, how you look, and how it all compares to others.  But instead, mama wants you to focus on your heart and your mind because I know just how wonderful they both are. And if you nourish these very important parts of yourself, the little light in them will never ever fade. You will radiate true beauty no matter how you look because that beauty is coming from the inside out!


Kind is always cool. This is something we hope you always remember. When you go to school, when you get a job, when you are out at the grocery store, it is never wrong to be kind to someone else. Even if there is nobody else willing to be kind, do it anyways baby girls. You never know what someone else is going through. And if that kindness isn’t returned, that’s ok. The way people treat you has everything to do with them and nothing to do with you. So, shrug it off and smile! As Jen Hatmaker says in her book For the Love, “God measures our entire existence by only two things: how we love Him and how we love people. If you get this right, you can get a million other things wrong.”


Your character is more valuable than your credentials. Sure, Mama wants you to chase your dreams, however big they are! But at the end of the day, please remember that how much money you make, what college you went to, or how many followers you have on Instagram means nothing. Your character and the person you are means everything, and it is what people will remember most.


We love you!


Leave a comment:
Diane Eck - What lovely words of wisdom for your fortunate little girls!! Praying for a safe delivery and another healthy baby girl! ❤️
Alexandra Mann - Thank you, Diane!
Alexandra Mann - Thank you!!
Alexandra Mann - Aw. Thank you, Pam!
Dawna Mann - Awesome!! Madden is a very lucky little girl!!! She has wonderful parents!!! Great blog!
Pamela Mundrick - Alexandra,
Very nice post. Great words of wisdom for your girls. This was well thought out and presented great. It brought me to tears. Families grow apart over the years but there is no one like your momma. She is the one that holds the family together and teaches her children everything. I lost my mom 27 years ago and still remember what she taught me. Thanks for sharing.