Peanut butter chocolate chip energy bites
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Wednesday, October 04, 2017
By Alexandra Marie
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I originally got this recipe from a friend about two years ago and have since seen so many variations of it! These little peanut butter chocolate chip energy balls are the perfect between meal snack. You can pop one (or a few) into your mouth for a quick treat. We like them for their size!  When I don’t want a whole granola bar but am craving some sweetness or a little snack, I reach for these! As I say for most of my recipes, they really are easy to make. I mix up a batch for the week and keep them on hand when I am in a hurry or am having a sweet craving. I find that if I fill my fridge with healthy, clean snacks that are prepped and ready to eat, I am more apt to eat them instead of junk!


You will need:


1 cup dry rolled oats

½ cup peanut butter

½ cup ground flaxseed

1/3 cup honey

1 tsp. vanilla

½ cup mini chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life’s dairy and soy free chips)

1 tbs. chia seeds



All you have to do is mix all of the above ingredients together and roll into one-inch balls. Store them in the refrigerator and enjoy!





As you can tell from the picture above, Madden has a hard time keeping her hands off of them too (that is her hand reaching into the bowl as we took the picture!)! They are a snack for the whole family!

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